Amazing Pure Organic Barley helps the digestive system in several ways:
Fiber Content
Barley is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which benefits digestion:
Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool and accelerates intestinal movement, reducing constipation risk. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stools and enhances intestinal peristalsis. The increased bulk and movement leads to more frequet and regular bowel movements.
Soluble fiber provides food for beneficial gut bacteria, promoting healthy gut microbiome. Barley's soluble fiber, particularly Beta-glucan acts as prebiotic that nourishes beneficial gut bacteria promoting a balanced gut environment. The improved gut flora enhances overall digestive health and bowel function.
Improved Bowel Function
Barley consumption can enhance digestive health. By incorporating barley into the diet, individuals can experience improved bowel function, reduced risk of constipation, and better overall digestive health.
A four-week study in adult women found that increased barley intake improved bowel function and stool volume.
Another showed that 9 grams of sprouted barley supplement daily can increased both the frequency and volume of bowel movements in people with chronic constipation.
Digestive DIsorder Relief
Amazing Pure Organic Barley may help alleviate sysmptoms of certain digestive disorders. In a six-month study people with moderate ulcerative colitis experienced relief when given 20-30 grams of sprouted barley supplement.
By incorporating Amazing Pure Organic Barley into your diet, you can support your digestive system through increased fiber intake, improved bowel function, enhanced gut microbiome health, and potential relief from digestive disorders.
Increased Fecal Weight
Studies have consistently found that barley consumption significantly increased stool volme in women. Another study reported a 33% increase in fecal weight with barley intake.
Shortened Gastrointestinal Transit Time
Barley consumption has been shown to reduce the time it takes for food to pass through the digestive system. The faster transit times contributes to more regular bowel movements and improved overall digestive health.
By incorporating barley into the diet, individuals can experience improved bowel function, reduced risk of constipation, and better overall digestive health.